
by Victor Ortega Bernal
Posted: 3 months ago
Updated: 3 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm (duration is 1 day)

Trip Info
We are meeting at 7am in the shed, well have to move fast because we have to be back before 3pm.

Trip Details
Trip Leader: Victor
Leader Phone: 0483238420
Secondary Trip Contact:
No. of Planned Dives:
Mandatory Equipment: Good attitude
Water Temperature: Cold
Weather Conditions:
Please note that the event start time is the meeting time at the shed unless stated otherwise in the briefing

Dive Sites / Itinerary
We’ll decide on te day

1. Current Membership
2. Current Liability Waiver
3. Current Certificate suitable for trip level.
4. Boat Trips:
– Cleared by Dive Coordinator
– Cleared by this trip Boat Master
– Demonstrates sufficient skill level

Gear Hire Policy
1. Signed off on all cabinet gear taken
2. Has current gear hire deposit

Health & Safety
Emergency Contacts (non life threatening)
- President (Maciej) 0481947622
- VP (Sophie) 0429871917
- Secretary (Burak) 0428422828
- Treasurer (Kevin) 0432960331

Life Threatening: Dial 000

- Do not attend if you are feeling unwell, or experience any of the following symptoms:
Runny nose / cough / aches / pain / nausea / vomiting / diarrhea / sore throat / loss of smell or taste / fever / chills / nigh sweats / headache / difficulty breathing


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Limit: 6 members.

12 people invited.
1193 people did not reply.

6 people replied 'yes'.

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  • [2024-Jun-14 05:18 PM] Victor Ortega Bernal: Updated

Comments 14
