
Wilson's prom exploratory trip awesome conditions AOW

Sat, 22 Apr 2023
from 4:00am to 6:00pm

by Andrea Ceriani
Posted: over 1 year ago
Updated: over 1 year ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 2 days before
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 14 hours)

—Trip Info—

Join us on a double dive at one of the best dive locations in Victoria.

AOW and beyond only.

Trip Leader: Andrea ceriani
Leader Phone: 0449714402
Secondary Trip Contact: Andrew Hebbard
No. of Planned Dives: 2
Mandatory Equipment:
Please note that the event start time is the meeting time at the shed unless stated otherwise in the briefing

Prom exploratory trip
Water Temperature:
Weather Conditions:
Very low wind and no swell , bring warm clothes and sea-sickness pills as the trip is long


Early start , 4 am catch up at the shed boat must be loaded day before the latest.——
Gear Hire Policy
Please sign off on all cabinet gear taken and ensure you have already paid the one-off gear hire deposit.

—HEALTH Safety—
- Do not attend if you are feeling unwell, or experience any of the following symptoms:
Runny nose / cough / aches / pain / nausea / vomiting / diarrhea / sore throat / loss of smell or taste / fever / chills / nigh sweats / headache / difficulty breathing
- Do not come to the event if you are required to isolate or quarantine for any reason and/or you are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.
- Minimize movement as much as possible by staying within your allotted space or seat.

- Please refer to University Coronavirus Website for more information https://www.unimelb.edu.au/coronavirus as well as MUSport Guidelines: https://sport.unimelb.edu.au/play-sport/club-resources/club-return-to-sport

Trip Leaders:


Corner Inlet Port Albert - Port Welshpool Ramp


Replies are closed.

Limit: 8 members.

265 people invited.
1186 people did not reply.

10 people replied 'yes'.

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  • [2023-Apr-18 10:56 PM] Andrea Ceriani: Updated
  • [2023-Apr-19 08:01 AM] Andrea Ceriani: Updated
  • [2023-Apr-19 08:01 AM] Andrea Ceriani: Updated
  • [2023-Apr-19 01:08 PM] Amanda Poh: Updated
  • [2023-Apr-19 01:08 PM] Amanda Poh: Updated
  • [2023-Apr-19 01:22 PM] Amanda Poh: Updated

Comments 10
