[Meetings temporarily suspended as part of the stage 3 restrictions]Weekly meetings are back for the purpose of gear hire and maintenanceMembers should come to the shed only to hire, return or maintain (air fills) their equipment. Club will be able to hire tanks and weights only, at this time. Please note that all trip planning will be occurring online.
We can allow only 5 of you inside at a time, please try to avoid aggregating and use comments section for planning and conversations.
Coming to Shed Checklist1. You MUST fill this form:
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=z_NbDvQft0aRdlLFOMIqTdEEtBEZmDdKpPK4Ad3UCdFURFA2MlMxVDBHNEQwMFA3Tk85NFZHOUlUUC4u2. You can only hire tanks, weights, or fill air and you must return any hired equipment one week later on Thursday
3. You must RSVP to this event.
4. Campus hygiene rules, please watch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVDGEtyYdbs&feature=youtu.beCOVID Safety Information We are limiting shed access to
5 members at a given time.
We will be providing hand sanitiser and alcohol wipes to clean your hands and common surfaces.
Let us know if you feel unwell and do not attend if you exhibit any symptoms such as coughing, weakness, and difficulty breathing.
University Response:
https://www.unimelb.edu.au/coronavirus/updateNew MembersYou can still join our club! Please contact us here, via email, or on facebook to do so!
Melbourne University Sport