Prospect of Better Times

3 May 2020 by Maciej Necki

Dear Members;

How are you doing? I personally can’t even express how much I miss the outdoors, Port Philip Bay, and underwater adventures with you! Equally, the whole committee is itching to be back in action. Hence I would like to take a moment to talk about some of the upcoming matters related to MUUC.

First, we are all looking forward to National Cabinet announcements in the coming weeks. Hopefully the eased restrictions will be a welcome change. MUUC will be in close contact with Melbourne Uni to plan how we can return to diving, this will however require a few steps:
- MUS facilities need to reopen to assure shed access, at such point we will likely be able to resume air fills
- Social distancing rules (if any) need to be set for sports, this will determine what kind of trips we could run. I would hope for small groups to be allowed, at which point we could resume gear hire.
- Courses, full trips, return to normality – this last step will be heavily dependent on regulations of swimming pools, beaches, etc. We will let you know as soon as we know more!

*If you are currently enrolled in a MUUC course – don’t worry, we have your details and we will be in touch once we can reschedule the courses.

Second I have a few updates for you, some of which are very promising.

Discussions are in final phases about uni pool access for MUUC. We aim to initially create some winter water safety and techniques activities for you and as the time passes discuss scuba training and more – all right around the corner from the shed.

Shed makeover – the committee is planning a project to redo our current shed layout, aiming to make the place more accessible, less cluttered, and more fun. Stay tuned for updates, as we may need some help!

Suggestions? Ideas? We are treating the looming return to diving as an opportunity to start fresh and improve. If you have any ideas or thoughts on improving the club – reach out to us! We are looking for idea leaders in the community that could lead incentives for various interest groups within MUUC.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and let’s together be on a lookout for opportunities in the near future. I send best wishes to all of you and anyone who you may be sharing air with during the quarantine. Hope to see you soon.


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